Preparing your entire home for cross-country moving is a lengthy process that requires thorough planning and organization. Having a packing list can significantly help you achieve more, reduce your stress levels, and feel better overall. We’ll present to you all you should know about compiling one of these.
Many people consider lists to be a waste of time. But assembling your things is a huge task that needs to be broken into smaller ones, or else you can easily get lost in the chaos of the piles and piles of your belongings. Having a transparent sheet that will set out your goals and intentions from the beginning can be an excellent way to be more organized and efficient. So let’s dive right into the packing guide.
The beginning is always the most challenging part. But if you want to put your mind at ease and procrastinate less, start thinking about a list as soon as you decide on the relocation date. Get a notebook to keep track of your relocation plans, or opt for an online app if you prefer modern technology. For starters, it would be wise to write all the belongings you own by room. Later on, you can always add or delete things as you learn what turns an ordinary list into a killer one.
There’s a difference between traveling and cross-country moving because when you travel, you can leave behind all the items you won’t get to utilize in that limited period. Relocating is different because it’s your whole life that is being transported. Still, give these factors a thought to go with less baggage and more space for new stuff.
This can be your first step as it will give you a sense of the amount of things you want to bring with you and an idea of what you can throw, what you are unsure about, and what you are definitely keeping. And when you make a farewell pile, use it wisely.
We must say first that you can always donate, and that’s an amazing, selfless act that will make you feel great. Still, if you are not able to do that because you could do with an extra buck in your moving out for the first time budget, there are some win-win combinations:
Once you go through the rooms, try to arrange your belongings into meaningful subcategories on the list. For example, if you are dealing with the kitchen, you can write down – furniture, appliances, dishes, decorations, and alike. And you should commit to each of these sections individually. So when you get to dishes, you can learn how to pack plates for moving, let’s say.
At this stage of drafting and when you start decluttering, the golden rule is not to let your mind roam all over the place. The tasks are numerous, so if you don’t focus, you are bound to get lost in the mess of it all.
This kind of inventory serves the purpose of making it lighter and less uncertain for you so that you could focus on other issues and reduce your moving stress levels. So, take advantage of this opportunity and follow a labeling system that you’ll benefit the most from.
This technique is excellent as it can arrange your thoughts and ideas in a simple and easy-to-follow manner and increase your productivity. You can assign a color to each room or a particular set of objects. It’s also useful when you get down to unpacking as you can label the boxes with colors of the room (for example, master bedroom = green), and that will tell your professional movers where to go without having to ask you. That is, if you stick a card with colors on the room doors, of course.
One of the common moving mistakes people make is forgetting about getting labels for their boxes. This step is not to be skipped, so write it down in the early stages to have it imprinted in your memory. You will forget what is in which box regardless of whether you are relocating your entire family or moving to another state alone. And nobody likes the joker in the pack card after all exhaustion, so think of ways to prevent this.
Apart from having all rooms packed up in boxes, you still need to prepare an essentials kit. A good idea to go about this is to prepare two if circumstances permit. One can be solely for your personal belongings and the other for all household objects you’ll be needing until the arrival of the best cross-country movers.
This one is not for travel only but can come in handy when cross-country movers arrive too. Many people find it frustrating to keep the boxes open or take an item in and out all the time. For instance, if you are a fan of smoothies, you don’t want your NutriBullet out of the picture and sealed in a box days in advance. Or if you have that superb pair of comfy shoes, don’t say bye to them too soon. Prepare a suitcase if you can and calculate how many things you can neatly put inside on the big day and have them up to that point.
This one might be the winner of all moving hacks as it really simplifies your life. Having an essentials bag or backpack with some basic outfits, snacks, toiletries, a change of shoes, clean towels, and all else you might want after a long day of relocation will make you more positive and optimistic.
If it’s easier for you, you can approach this from a travel perspective and ask yourself what should I pack for a 5-day trip? Or look some inspiring tips up, such as how do you pack for a 7-day trip? Though 5-7 days can sound like a lot, there are often so many things going on when you move in that you don’t get to unpack the first couple of days.
If you have a kid, a family member you are taking care of, or you are moving with pets; it’s vital to remember to cater to their needs during the trip too. It will be much easier if you have their food and toys from the word go, and they’ll acclimate to the new environment much faster.
If you are opting for professional packing services, your experience will be much easier in lots of ways, but these things will help you shine on day one, regardless of whether you’ve got assistance or not.
Having clean bedsheets, towels, curtains, and other items will make you feel better when you arrive and reduce your workload to a large degree. Many people fear that transportation and the trip will leave dust or dirt on the items they carry, but it’s impossible if they’re packed correctly.
Professional moving services will cover your house, but you should still take care of the essentials bag and suitcase. Depending on the transportation means, the allowed size varies, but you should be cautious if you are going by plane. And why would you pay extra on all the expenses you’ll have when you can easily check this on the airline company’s website?
If you are booking partial services or going it alone, you’ll need materials in abundance. An extra tip is to go early in the morning to Walmart and Costco because the staff will be willing to give you free boxes. Still, arm yourself with a bunch of tape, bubble wrap, paper, and zip-up bags. And always buy more than you think you’ll use.
Your personal belongings such as your credit card, laptops, cameras, phones, and alike should go with you, especially if you are moving to a new city alone. It’s best to carry a bag where you’ll safely store these away and not worry about a thing.
Another question many people are curious about is What is a packing list in shipping? And you should know upfront that it’s not the same as your personal inventory catalog because you’re required by law to have this when shipping internationally. These lists include specifications on the weight and content of the boxes you’re sending and help the authorities assess whether those can be let through the customs. Contact your moving experts if you’re using someone’s services, and they’ll be able to give you info on international moving matters such as this one.
A top-rated company will be able to offer you the best price as soon as you let them know what amount of work their crew is taking. Though you can do it all on your own, as you’ve seen so far, you’ll have your hands full, even with professional help. Why not let the experts who have honed their skills do the heavy work and enjoy their knowledge? They can help you with auto shipping as well, and you’ll have moving insurance covering all your belongings. So choose the most cost-efficient option and start your web search now.